Watch Vessels
Set State Watches on individual vessels and get notified when they get underway, anchor or moor. Set Passing Watches on individual vessels and be notified when they pass one of a range of landmarks or seamarks.

Watch the ships ...
SolentShips for Android is the AIS ship tracking and notification app dedicated to the UK's Solent area. SolentShips uses AIS data to track ships and offers unlimited on-phone notifications of ship movements in Southampton, Portsmouth, Fawley, Medina and the whole Solent area from beyond the Needles to beyond the Nab.
Set State Watches on individual vessels and get notified when they get underway, anchor or moor. Set Passing Watches on individual vessels and be notified when they pass one of a range of landmarks or seamarks.
Set Global Passing Watches on any of the available landmarks and seamarks and be notified when any vessel passes.
Set the Area Watch and be notified when any vessel arrives or departs the area, and optionally follow arriving vessels with an automatic State Watch.
Watches generate standard Android notifications; and optionally TTS announcements when the notification is issued. Notifications stack-up until dismissed; when you're ready, step-through and view, or listen to notifications.
Watch reports are written to the searchable watch log so that you can keep track of a days events or of a vessels history in the area.
SolentShips uses local information about anchorages, berths, moorings, wharfs, seamarks and so on ... and where available provides information on a vessels origin, destination and future movements.
SolentShips provides a map and satellite overview of what's in the area at the moment, with vessel summary information. Just click for more detailed information. Options are available to subset the view by vessel state and area.
SolentShips also provides a list overview of what's in the area at the moment with summary information. Just click for more detailed information. Options are available to subset the view by vessel state and area.
The SolentShips Android app is currently in Google Play's alpha release programme. Unfortunately at the moment the alpha release programme is not open to new participants.